Reference Manuals


phppdo — This class implements an generic PDO-based DBAPI

phppdo is part of the DBAPI package.


class phppdo extends DBAPI {
        private        int                 $affected_rows
        private        resource            $link
        private        string              $query

        public         phppdo              __construct               ( string $dsn,
                                                                       string $username,
                                                                       string $password,
                                                                       string $options );
        public         int                 affectedrows              ( void );
        public         void                close                     ( void );
        public         string              errno                     ( void );
        public         string              error                     ( void );
        public         mixed               escape                    ( mixed $var );
        protected      resource            execute_query             ( string $query );
        public         array               fetchrow                  ( resource $result );
        public         array               fetchrowset               ( resource $result );
        public         void                freeresult                ( resource $result );
        public         int                 lastid                    ( void );
        protected      string              limit_query               ( string $query,
                                                                       int $length,
                                                                       int $start );

Object Hierarchy



This class implements an generic PDO-based DBAPI

Attribute Details


private        int            $affected_rows

The number of rows affected by the last query

Default value: empty string

private        resource       $link

The database connection resource

Default value: empty string


private        string         $query

A copy of the query. Used for reporting errors

Default value: empty string

Method Details


public         phppdo         __construct               ( string $dsn,
                                                          string $username,
                                                          string $password,
                                                          string $options );

Create a database connection

This function is identical to PHP's PDO() constructor.

The DSN to open the SQLite file
Unused for SQLite
Unused for SQLite
Unused for SQLite


public         int            affectedrows              ( void );

Get the number of rows affected by the last query


public         void           close                     ( void );

Close the connection


public         string         errno                     ( void );

Return the last SQL error number


public         string         error                     ( void );

Return the last SQL error message


public         mixed          escape                    ( mixed $var );

Escape a variable to safely use in in SQL

The varibale to escape


protected      resource       execute_query             ( string $query );

Execute a single SQL query

The SQL query to execute


public         array          fetchrow                  ( resource $result );

Fetch a single row from the SQL result set. If no result is specified, it uses the last returned result

The SQL result resource. Default is NULL


public         array          fetchrowset               ( resource $result );

Fetch an array of rows from the SQL result set. If no result is specified, it uses the last returned result

The SQL result resource. Default is NULL


public         void           freeresult                ( resource $result );

Free an SQL result resource. If no result is specified, it uses the last returned result

There is no function to free a PDO result resource

The result resource to free. Default is NULL


public         int            lastid                    ( void );

Get the unique ID of the last row that was insterted in the database


protected      string         limit_query               ( string $query,
                                                          int $length,
                                                          int $start );

Modify a query to limit the size of the returned result set

The query to modify
The maximum size of the result set
The offset into the result set. Default is 0