Reference Manuals


DBAPI — This is the base DBAPI class.

DBAPI is part of the DBAPI package.


class DBAPI {
        private        array               $args
        private        array               $args_used
        public         bool                $cast_object_to_string
        public         bool                $compound_inserts
        protected      resource            $last_result
        private        array               $placeholders
        public         bool                $return_on_error

        public         DBAPI               __construct               ( string $dsn,
                                                                       string $username,
                                                                       string $password,
                                                                       array $options );
        private        string              add_placeholder           ( array $match );
        public         int                 affectedrows              ( void );
        private        string              build_insert_array        ( array $args,
                                                                       bool $use_keys );
        private        string              build_update_array        ( array $args );
        public         void                close                     ( void );
        private        int                 count_vars                ( string $query );
        public         int                 errno                     ( void );
        public         string              error                     ( void );
        public         mixed               escape                    ( mixed $var );
        protected      resource            execute_query             ( string $query );
        public         array               fetchcol                  ( resource $result );
        public         array               fetchrow                  ( resource $result );
        public         array               fetchrowset               ( resource $result );
        public         void                freeresult                ( resource $result );
        private        mixed               get_arg                   ( array $key );
        public         mixed               lastid                    ( void );
        protected      string              limit_query               ( string $query,
                                                                       int $length,
                                                                       int $start );
        public         array               parse_dsn                 ( strinf $dsn );
        private        string              parse_insert_query        ( string $query,
                                                                       array $args );
        private        array               parse_query               ( array $args );
        private        string              parse_single_query        ( string $query,
                                                                       array $args );
        public         resource            query                     ( string $query,
                                                                       mixed $arg,... );
        public         resource            query_limit               ( string $query,
                                                                       mixed $arg,...,
                                                                       int $start,
                                                                       int $length );
        public         mixed               quote                     ( mixed $var );
        private        string              restore_placeholder       ( array $match );
        public         void                return_on_error           ( bool $bool );

Object Hierarchy



This is the base DBAPI class.

Specific implementations should subclass this base class and implement the database specific functions marked as abstract.

Attribute Details


private        array          $args

An array used for the arguments to be parsed into a query

Default value: empty string


private        array          $args_used

An array to keep track of used arguments. This allows named arguments to be used multiple times.

Default value: empty string


public         bool           $cast_object_to_string

Whether to cast variables of type 'object' to string

Default value: empty string


public         bool           $compound_inserts

Whether or not compound insert statements shouldbe used

Default value: empty string


protected      resource       $last_result

The last used SQL result resource


private        array          $placeholders

An array containing quoted strings and their placeholders. Used during query parsing

Default value: empty string


public         bool           $return_on_error

Whether to return silently on an SQL error or let PHP handle it

Default value: empty string

Method Details


public         DBAPI          __construct               ( string $dsn,
                                                          string $username,
                                                          string $password,
                                                          array $options );

Create a database connection

This function is identical to PHP's PDO() constructor.

A DSN connection string for the database
The username to authenticate with
The password for the user
The options for the database


private        string         add_placeholder           ( array $match );

A preg_replace() callback to replace a quoted string with a placeholder

The matched array of quoted string to be replaced


public         int            affectedrows              ( void );

Get the number of rows affected by the last query


private        string         build_insert_array        ( array $args,
                                                          bool $use_keys );

Build an SQL insert statement out of a series of arguments

The arguments to build the insert statement from
If this is true, use named arguments instead of argument values


private        string         build_update_array        ( array $args );

Build an SQL update statement out of a series of arguments

The arguments to build the update statement from


public         void           close                     ( void );

Close the database connection


private        int            count_vars                ( string $query );

Count the number of variables/placeholders in an SQL query

The query to count variables in


public         int            errno                     ( void );

Return the last SQL error number


public         string         error                     ( void );

Return the last SQL error message


public         mixed          escape                    ( mixed $var );

Escape a variable to safely use in in SQL

The varibale to escape


protected      resource       execute_query             ( string $query );

Execute a single SQL query

The SQL query to execute


public         array          fetchcol                  ( resource $result );

Fetch an array containing the values of the first column in the result set

The SQL result resource. Default is NULL which means the last result resource used


public         array          fetchrow                  ( resource $result );

Fetch a single row from the SQL result set. If no result is specified, it should use the protected last_result variable

The SQL result resource. Default is NULL


public         array          fetchrowset               ( resource $result );

Fetch an array of rows from the SQL result set. If no result is specified, it should use the protected last_result variable

The SQL result resource. Default is NULL


public         void           freeresult                ( resource $result );

Free an SQL result resource. If no result is specified, it should use the protected last_result variable

The result resource to free. Default is NULL


private        mixed          get_arg                   ( array $key );

A preg_replace callback to return a quoted/escaped argument and remove it from the SQL argument list

The matched array of argument keys to return.


public         mixed          lastid                    ( void );

Get the unique ID of the last row that was insterted in the database


protected      string         limit_query               ( string $query,
                                                          int $length,
                                                          int $start );

Modify a query to limit the size of the returned result set

The query to modify
The maximum size of the result set
The offset into the result set. Default is 0


public         array          parse_dsn                 ( strinf $dsn );

Parse a data source name.

This function takes a PHP PDO compatible DSN and parses it into an array containing key-value pairs from the DSN string. The database type prefix is set in the phptype field.

A PDO-compatible DSN connection string


private        string         parse_insert_query        ( string $query,
                                                          array $args );

Parse a two dimensional array into one big compound INSERT statement

The SQL query to parse
The arguments for the query. See README for usage.


private        array          parse_query               ( array $args );

Parse a set of variables in one or more queries. Queries are passed in the form of array($query, [, arg [, ...]]). It determins the kind of query (INSERT or something else) and the number of queries. The actual parsing is done in parse_single_query() or parse_insert_query().

An array containing the query and the arguments to parse in the query


private        string         parse_single_query        ( string $query,
                                                          array $args );

Parse a series of variables into an SQL query. Variables in the query can be specified as positional arguments ? or ar named variables {variable}. First all the named variables from the argument list are replaces, then the positional arguments from whatever is left from the argument list.

The SQL query to parse
The arguments for the query. See README for usage.


public         resource       query                     ( string $query,
                                                          mixed $arg,... );

Execute a regular SQL query

The SQL query to execute
Optional. The arguments for the query. See README for usage.


public         resource       query_limit               ( string $query,
                                                          mixed $arg,...,
                                                          int $start,
                                                          int $length );

Execute a query and return a limited set of results

The SQL query to execute
The arguments for the query. See README for usage.
Starting offset in the result set
The number of records to return


public         mixed          quote                     ( mixed $var );

Escape and properly quote a variable

The variable to escape and quote


private        string         restore_placeholder       ( array $match );

A preg_replace() callback to restore a placeholder with the original text

The matched array of placeholder to replace


public         void           return_on_error           ( bool $bool );

Whether to return when an SQL error occurs (TRUE) or to trigger an error (FALSE).

TRUE if the DBAPI should capture errors and return normally, FALSE if errors should be handled by PHP. Default: FALSE