Reference Manuals


Emailer — This is a generic emailer implementation for multipart MIME e-mail.

Emailer is part of the Emailer package.


class Emailer {
        private        array               $addresses
        private        array               $attachments
        private        array               $attachments_inline
        private        string              $extra_headers
        private        string              $from
        private        string              $message
        private        string              $message_html
        private        string              $message_text
        private        string              $mime_boundary_alternative
        private        string              $mime_boundary_mixed
        private        string              $mime_boundary_related
        private        string              $reply_to
        private        string              $smtp_from
        private        string              $smtp_host
        private        string              $smtp_pass
        private        string              $smtp_user
        private        string              $subject

        public         Emailer             __construct               ( string $smtp_host,
                                                                       string $smtp_from,
                                                                       string $smtp_user,
                                                                       string $smtp_pass );
        private        void                add_addresses             ( mixed $addresses,
                                                                       string $type );
        public         bool                attach                    ( string $file,
                                                                       string $mimetype,
                                                                       string $content,
                                                                       bool $inline );
        public         void                bcc                       ( mixed $address );
        public         void                cc                        ( mixed $address );
        public         void                clear                     ( void );
        public         void                extra_headers             ( string $headers );
        public         void                from                      ( string $address );
        public         void                message                   ( string $text,
                                                                       string $html );
        public         void                reply_to                  ( string $address );
        public         mixed               send                      ( void );
        private        mixed               server_parse              ( handle $socket,
                                                                       string $response,
                                                                       int $line );
        private        mixed               smtpmail                  ( void );
        public         void                subject                   ( string $subject );
        public         void                to                        ( mixed $address );

Object Hierarchy



This is a generic emailer implementation for multipart MIME e-mail.

It allows for simple messages as well as multipart/related (text/html) MIME messages. It also supports inline attachemnts and regular attachments. To top it off it carries it's own SMTP interface so you can use a remote SMTP server and bypass whatever PHP's mail() is trying to use. Convenient to escape a poorly configured host.Heavily based off phpBB's e-mail class which was Copyright 1999-2005 phpBB Group which is available under the GPL 2 or later.

Attribute Details


private        array          $addresses

A two-dimensional array containing all the addresses in $addresses['to'], $addresses['cc'] and $addresses['bcc']


private        array          $attachments

A list of attachments


private        array          $attachments_inline

A list of inline attachments


private        string         $extra_headers

Extra e-mail headers


private        string         $from

The From: address


private        string         $message

The composed e-mail in multipart MIME


private        string         $message_html

The e-mail message in text/html


private        string         $message_text

The e-mail message in text/plain


private        string         $mime_boundary_alternative

The MIME-boundary used for multipart messages


private        string         $mime_boundary_mixed

The MIME-boundary used for multipart messages

private        string         $mime_boundary_related

The MIME-boundary used for multipart messages


private        string         $reply_to

The Reply-to: address


private        string         $smtp_from

A username that is used as the From: field when senting over SMTP. Some SMTP servers check this


private        string         $smtp_host

The SMTP hostname. If empty, the mailer will use PHP's built-in mail() command.


private        string         $smtp_pass

The password for SASL authentication


private        string         $smtp_user

The username used for SASL authentication. Empty is SASL should not be used


private        string         $subject

The e-mail subject

Method Details


public         Emailer        __construct               ( string $smtp_host,
                                                          string $smtp_from,
                                                          string $smtp_user,
                                                          string $smtp_pass );

Create a new Emailer object

The SMTP server's hostname. Leave blank to use PHP's built-in mail() command.
A username that is used as the From: field when senting over SMTP. Some SMTP servers check this
A username used for SASL authentication against the SMTP server. Leave empty to disable SASL authentication
The password for SASL authentication


private        void           add_addresses             ( mixed $addresses,
                                                          string $type );

Add an (array of) addresses to the e-mail.

The addresses to ad. Can be a single string or an array.
The type of addresses to add. Should be any of 'to', 'cc' or 'bcc'


public         bool           attach                    ( string $file,
                                                          string $mimetype,
                                                          string $content,
                                                          bool $inline );

Attach a regular or inline attachment to the e-mail message. To attach a file inline (embedded), set the $inline parameter to TRUE. If you do not supply the contents of the file, this function tries to open the file and read it's contents. In that case, the $file parameter should be a full path. If you do not supply a mimetype or if it is empty, the file will be attached as application/octetstream.

The name of the file, or a full path to the file
The mimetype of the file
The content of the file
Whether to attach the file inline or normally


public         void           bcc                       ( mixed $address );

Add a single address or array of addresses

A single e-mail address or array of addresses. Addresses can also be in the form '"Your Name" '


public         void           cc                        ( mixed $address );

Add a single address or array of addresses

A single e-mail address or array of addresses. Addresses can also be in the form '"Your Name" '


public         void           clear                     ( void );

Clear all messages, attachments and e-mail addresses from the class, making it ready to be used again.


public         void           extra_headers             ( string $headers );

Add extra e-mail headers to the message. Separate multiple headers with a \r\n linebreak

Extra headers for the e-mail message


public         void           from                      ( string $address );

Set the From: address

A single e-mail address


public         void           message                   ( string $text,
                                                          string $html );

Set the message body in text/plain and text/html.

Beware that a lot of e-mail clients have poor HTML processing. Stick with basic HTML 4.01 and use inline styling instead of stylesheets. You can use inline images by attaching them with the attach() function and setting the $inline parameter to TRUE.

The message in text/plain utf-8 format
The message in text/html utf-8 format


public         void           reply_to                  ( string $address );

Set the Reply-to: address

A single e-mail address


public         mixed          send                      ( void );

Actually send the e-mail


private        mixed          server_parse              ( handle $socket,
                                                          string $response,
                                                          int $line );

Parse an SMTP response from the socket

This function has been modified as provided by SirSir to allow multiline responses when using SMTP Extensions.

The socket to the SMTP server
The SMTP response code to look for
The line where server_parse was called from. Used for error messages.


private        mixed          smtpmail                  ( void );

Send the e-mail manually over SMTP instead of using PHP's mail() command


public         void           subject                   ( string $subject );

Set the subject of the e-mail

The subject of the e-mail


public         void           to                        ( mixed $address );

Add a single address or array of addresses

A single e-mail address or array of addresses. Addresses can also be in the form '"Your Name" '