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Open Source News from FOSDEM 2009 - Day 2
by Sander MarechalIn the weekend of 7 and 8 February, the 9th Free & Open Source Developers' Europe Meeting (FOSDEM) took place at the Université Libre Bruxelles (ULB) in Brussels. Your editors Sander Marechal and Hans Kwint attended this meeting to find out for you what's hot, new in the area of the Linux environment and might be coming to you in the near future. This is our report of the second day covering the talks about Thunderbird 3, Debian release management, Ext4, Syslinux, CalDAV and more. Coverage of the first day can be found in our previous article.
This article was originally posted on LXer Linux News.
Posted on 2009-03-03@20:38
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Tags: fosdem thunderbird debian upstart freedroidrpg syslinux sgx games ext4 drupal caldav groupdav

Tags: fosdem thunderbird debian upstart freedroidrpg syslinux sgx games ext4 drupal caldav groupdav